SeaLifeBase References Starting with 'Y'

Ref. No. Author Year Citation
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Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 100(2):302-320.
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80042 Yaldwin, J.C. 1971 80042, 1971, Preliminary description of a new genus and twelve new species of natant decapod Crustacea from New Zealand.
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106535 Yaldwyn, J.C. 1957 106535, 1957, Deep-water Crustacea of the genus Sergestes (Decapoda, Natantia) from Cook Strait, New Zealand.
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Scientific Papers of the Institute of Algological Research, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University.
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Ornithol. Sci. 15:47-54.
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Journal of Paleontology 54(5):1084-1101.
90665 Yamaguchi, T. 2003 90665, 2003, Seasonal Changes in the Energy Content of Females of the Fiddler Crab, Uca Lactea, Especially During the Reproductive Period.
Crustaceana 76:1371-1397.
108033 Yamaguchi, T., H. Honda, H. Aratake and Y. Henmi 2006 108033, 2006, Decorating behavior of the majid crab Hyastenus diacanthus.
Crustacean Research 35:79-91.
115982 Yamaguchi, T., Y. Kawakami and M. Matsuyama 2015 115982, 2015, Migratory routes of the swordtip squid Uroteuthis edulis inferred from statolith analysis.
Aquatic Biology 24:53-60.
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Keigaku Publishing Co. Ltd., 436 pp.
2564 Yamaguti, S. 1939 2564, 1939, Studies on the helmith fauna of Japan. Part 29. Acanthocephala, II.
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8408 Yamaguti, S. 1938 8408, 1938, Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 21. Trematodes of fishes, IV.
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8409 Yamaguti, S. 1952 8409, 1952, Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 49. Cestodes of fishes, II.
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65491 Yamaguti, S. 1970 65491, 1970, Digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes.
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Aquatic Invasions 8(4):407-415.
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Fisheries Science 63(5):708-714.
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Fisheries Science, 72:585-589.
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90664 Yamashiro, H., O. Hirosuke, H. Hideki, C. Isao and S. Kazuhiko 1999 90664, 1999, Composition of lipids, fatty acids and sterols in Okinawan corals.
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85514 Yamauchi, H., Y. Ueda, Y. Kanno and T. Matsuishi 2000 85514, 2000, Population assessment using a lengthibased population analysis for the eastern Hokkaido hair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii.
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7430 Yamauchi, T., K. Nagasawa and S. Ohtsuka 2005 7430, 2005, Ectoparasitic isopod, Norileca indica (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae), obtained from the stomach of Coryphaena hippurus (Perciformes, Coryphaenidae) in the Philippines.
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