SeaLifeBase References Starting with 'V'
[n=828]Ref. No. | Author | Year | Citation |
80261 | Vaccarella, R., A.M. Pastorelli, V. De Zio, L. Rositani and P. Paparella | 1996 |
80261, 1996, Valutazione della biomaza di molluschi bivalvi commerciabili presenti nel golfo di Manfredonia.
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80262 | Vacchi, M., G. La Mesa and M. La Mesa | 1996 |
80262, 1996, Studio preliminare sull'accrescimento del tartufo di mare Venus verrucosa nel Mar Ligure.
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7539 | Vacchi, M., S. Greco and M. La Mesa | 1994 |
7539, 1994, Short Note: Kondakovia longimana Filippova, 1972 (Onycotheuthidae) from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea.
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363 | Vacelet, J. | 1987 |
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76677 | Vacelet, J. | 1980 |
76677, 1980, Squelette calcaire facultatif et corps de régénération dans le genre Merlia éponges apparentées aux Chaetétidés fossiles.
Compte rendu hebdomadaire des séances de l’Académie des sciences (2)290:227-230. |
80574 | Vacelet, J. | 2006 |
80574, 2006, New carnivorous sponges (Porifera, Poecilosclerida) collected from manned submersibles in the deep Pacific.
Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society 148:553-584. |
82114 | Vacelet, J. | 1979 |
82114, 1979, Une éponge Tétractinellide nouvelle des grottes sous-marines de la Jamaïque, associée à des membranes étrangères.
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82115 | Vacelet, J. | 1990 |
82115, 1990, Les spongiaires.
pp. 16-33 In Bouchon, C. (Ed.). Le Grande Encyclopédie de la Caraïbe. Vol. 5, Le Monde Marin. Sanoli Editions, 207 pp. |
82116 | Vacelet, J. and C. Donadey | 1987 |
82116, 1987, A new species of Halisarca Porifera, Demospongiae) from the Caribbean, with remarks on the cytology and affinities of the genus.
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116500 | Vacelet, J. and C. Donadey | 1977 |
116500, 1977, Electron microscope study of the association between some sponges and bacteria.
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87710 | Vacelet, J. and F. Arnaud | 1972 |
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118939 | Vacelet, J. and P. Cardenas | 2018 |
118939, 2018, When is an aster not an aster? A new deep-sea Discorhabdella (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida) with asters, from the Mozambique Channel.
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126885 | Vadas, R.L., B. Beal, S. Dudgeon and W. Wright | 1997 |
126885, 1997, Reproductive biology of green sea urchins along the coast of Maine.
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28813 | Vadas, Robert L. | 1990 |
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128428 | Vader, W. | 1970 |
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125146 | Vader, W. and A.H.S. Tandberg | 2019 |
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123167 | Vader, W. and T. Krapp | 2005 |
123167, 2005, Crab‐associated amphipods from the Falkland Islands (Crustacea, Peracarida).
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125215 | Vader, W. and W.J. Wolff | 1973 |
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4088 | Vader, W., R.T. Barrett, K.E. Erikstad and K.-B. Strann | 1990 |
4088, 1990, Differential responses of common and thick-billed murres to a crash in the capelin stock in the Southern Barents Sea.
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6793 | Vader, W., R.T. Barrett, K.E. Erikstad and K.-B. Strann | 1990 |
6793, 1990, Differential responses of common and thick-billed murres to a crash in the capelin stock in the Southern Barents Sea.
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4069 | Vader, W., T. Anker-Nilssen, V. Bakken, R. Barrett and K.-B. Strann | 1990 |
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117455 | Vadera, W., J.R. Johnsena and J. Bergeb | 2005 |
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89052 | Vadon, C., C. de Ridder, A. Guille and M. Jangoux | 1984 |
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105662 | Vafeiadou, A.-M., C. Antoniadou and C. Chintiroglou | 2012 |
105662, 2012, Symbiosis of sea anemones and hermit crabs: different resource utilization patterns in the Aegean Sea.
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85338 | Vafidis, D. | 2010 |
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107001 | Vafidis, D., A. Kallianiotis, N. Chartosia and A. Koukouras | 2009 |
107001, 2009, The Sepioidea (Cephalopoda, Mollusca) fauna of the Aegean Sea: comparison with the neighbouring seas and notes on their diet composition.
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107015 | Vafidis, D., D. Koutsoubas, N. Chartosia and A. Koukouras | 2008 |
107015, 2008, The Teuthoidea (Cephalopoda, Mollusca) fauna of the Aegean Sea: comparison with the neighboring seas and notes on their diet composition.
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106425 | Vafidis, D., P. Chrissi-Yianna, A. Carbonell and J.B. Company | 2005 |
106425, 2005, A review of the biology and fisheries of the genus Plesionika Bate, 1888 (Decapoda, Caridea, Pandalidae) in European waters.
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80263 | Vafidis, D., P.K. Leontarakis, A. Dailianis and A. Kallianiotis | 2004 |
80263, 2004, Growth parameters of the most abundant pandalid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridae) from the Northern Aegean Sea.
Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 37, 453. |
3712 | Vahl, O. | 1981 |
3712, 1981, Energy transformation by the Iceland scallop Chlamys islandica (O.F. Müller, 1776) from 70°N. 1. The age-specific energy budget and net growth efficiency.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 53:281-296. |
128415 | Väinölä, R. and P. Oulasvirta | 2001 |
128415, 2001, The first record of Maeotias marginata (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the Baltic Sea: a Pontocaspian invader.
Sarsia 86:401-404. |
125087 | Väinölä, R. and P. Strelkov | 2011 |
125087, 2011, Mytilus trossulus in northern Europe.
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106356 | Vaitheeswaran, T., N. Jayakumar and V.K. Venkataramani | 2012 |
106356, 2012, Length weight relationship of lobster Panulirus versicolor (Latreille, 1804) (Family: Paniluridae) off Thoothukudi waters, southeast coast of India.
Tamilnadu J. Veterinary & Animal Sciences 8(1):54-59. |
122435 | Vaitheeswaran, T., N. Jayakumar and V.K. Venkataramani | 2014 |
122435, 2014, A record of the brown paper nautilus Argonauta hians Lightfoot, 1786 (Family: Argonautidae) (Lamarck, 1809) off Thoothukudi coast of Gulf of Mannar from India (08 35’ 22.5" N 78 27’ 40.9" E and 08 31’ 91.2"N 78 25’ 32.7"E).
Ind. J. Vet & Anim. Sci. Res. 43(1):40-43. |
2960 | Vaïtilingon, D., R. Rasolofonirina and M. Jangoux | 2003 |
2960, 2003, Feeding prefences, seasonal gut repletion indices, and diel feeding patterns of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) on a coastal habitat of Toliara (Madagascar).
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108573 | Vajed Samiei, J., N. Liñares, J. Andrés and B. Abtahi | 2011 |
108573, 2011, The antagonistic effect of raised alinity on the aerobic performance of a rocky intertidal gastropod Nassarius deshayesianus (Issel, 1866) exposed to raised water temperature.
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7693 | Vakily, J.M. | 1992 |
7693, 1992, Determination and comparison of bivalve growth, with emphasis on Thailand and other tropical areas.
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52843 | Vakily, J.M. and A. Cham | 2003 |
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91329 | Vakily, J.M., K. Seto and D. Pauly | 2012 |
91329, 2012, The marine fisheries environment of Sierra Leone: belated proceedings of a national seminar held in Freetown, 25-29 November 1991.
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111041 | Vakily, J.M., S. Tuaycharoen and J. Nugranad | 1988 |
111041, 1988, Analysis of length and weight characteristics of green mussel, Perna viridis, from Thailand.
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3618 | Valadez-González, C., B. Aguila-Palomino and S. Hernández-Vázquez | 2001 |
3618, 2001, Feeding habits of the round stingray Urobatis halleri (Cooper, 1863) (Chondrichthyes: Urolophidae) from the continental shelf of Jalisco and Colima, Mexico.
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8884 | Valdés Szeinfeld, E. | 1991 |
8884, 1991, Cannibalism and intraguild predation in clupeoids.
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123316 | Valdés, A. | 2008 |
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7946 | Valdes, A. and J. Ortea | 1997 |
7946, 1997, Review of the genus Doriopsilla Bergh, 1880 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Atlantic Ocean.
Veliger 40(3):240-254. |
125549 | Valdes, A. and P. Bouchet | 1998 |
125549, 1998, A blind abyssal Corambidae (Mollusca, Nudibranchia), from the Norwegian Sea, with a reevaluation of the systematics of the family.
Sarsia 83:15-20. |
2553 | Valdés, Á. and T.M. Gosliner | 1999 |
2553, 1999, Reassesment of the systematic status of Miamira Bergh, 1875 and Orodoris Bergh, 1875 (Nudibranchia: Chromodoridae) in light of phylogenetic analysis.
J. Moll. Stud. 65:33-45. |
115811 | Valdes, A. and T.M. Gosliner | 1999 |
115811, 1999, Phylogeny of the radula‐less dorids (Mollusca, Nudibranchia), with the description of a new genus and a new family.
Zoologica Scripta 28(3-4):315-360. |
124035 | Valdes, A. and V. Heros | 1998 |
124035, 1998, The types of Recent and certain fossil opisthobranch molluscs in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
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130917 | Valdés, A., J. Alexander, F. Crocetta, M.B. Yokeş, S. Giacobbe, D. Poursanidis, A. Zenetos, J.L. Cervera, M. Caballer, B.S. Galil and P.J. Schembri | 2013 |
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130958 | Valdes, A., S. Medrano and V. Bhave | 2016 |
130958, 2016, A new species of Cuthona Alder and Hancock, 1855 (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Nudibranchia: Tergipedidae) from the Caribbean Sea.
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42532 | Valdés, E.S., P.A. Shelton, M.J. Armstrong and J.G. Field | 1987 |
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103863 | Valdés, L. and I. Déniz-González | 2015 |
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115313 | Valdez, M.L.A., M.J.B. Bo and A.A. Samonte | 2015 |
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106268 | Valdivia, I.M., L. Cardenas, K. Gonzalez, D. Jofré, M. George-Nascimento, R. Guiñez and M.E. Oliva | 2010 |
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102695 | Valdivia, N. and W. Stotz | 2006 |
102695, 2006, Feeding behavior of the porcellanid crab Allopetrolisthes spinifrons, symbiont of the sea anemone Phymactis papillosa.
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6325 | Valeiras, J. | 2003 |
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6323 | Valeiras, J. and J.A. Caminas | 2003 |
6323, 2003, The incidental capture of seabirds by Spanish drifting longline fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea.
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106152 | Valeiras, J., E. Abad, E. Velasco, A. Punzón, A. Serrano and F. Velasco | 2015 |
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96677 | Valencia, N. | 2006 |
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75840 | Valentich-Scott, P. | 2003 |
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106258 | Valentich-Scott, P. | 2003 |
106258, 2003, A taxonomic, distributional and bibliographic checklist of Hong Kong marine bivalve molluscs and research published on them from 1971-2000.
pp. 259-310 In B. Morton (ed.) Perspectives on Marine Environmental Change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001, Proceedings of an International Workshop Reunion Conference, 21-26 October 2001. Hong Kong University Press. |
127827 | Valentich-Scott, P. and J.H.R. Goddard | 2022 |
127827, 2022, A fossil species found living off southern California, with notes on the genus Cymatioa (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Galeommatoidea).
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85421 | Valentich-Scott, P. and P. Tongkerd | 2008 |
85421, 2008, Coral-boring bivalve molluscs of Southeastern Thailand, with the description of a new species.
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118142 | Valentich-Scott, P., C.L. Powell II, T.D. Lorenson and B.E. Edwards | 2014 |
118142, 2014, A new genus and species of Thyasiridae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from deep-water, Beaufort Sea, northern Alaska.
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93935 | Valentich-Scott, P., O'Foighil. D. and J. Li | 2013 |
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86474 | Valentin, C. | 1982 |
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86835 | Valentine, J.F., Duffy, J.E. | 2006 |
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67623 | Valentine, J.W., K. Roy and D. Jablonski | 2002 |
67623, 2002, Carnivore/non-carnivore ratios in northeastern Pacific marine gastropods.
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8801 | Valentine, P.C., M.R. Carman, D.S. Blackwood and Erin J. Heffron | 2007 |
8801, 2007, Ecological observation on the colonial acsidian Didemnum sp. in a New England tide pool habitat.
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106864 | Valentinsson, D., F. Sjödin, P.R. Jonsson, P. Nilsson and C. Wheatley | 1999 |
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125948 | Valenzuela, E. | 2000 |
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123010 | Valério-Berardo, M.T. and F.E. Piera | 2006 |
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115550 | Valladares, A., G. Manríquez and B.A. Suárez-Isla | 2010 |
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4704 | Valle, C.A. and M.C. Coulter | 1987 |
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121722 | Vallejo, B. Jr., J. Conejar-Espedido, L. Manubag, K.C.C. Artiaga, A.M. Damatac II, I.C.V.J. Imperial, T.A.B. Itong, I.K. Fontanilla and E.P. Cao | 2017 |
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115812 | Valles, Y. and T.M. Gosliner | 2006 |
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129158 | Valtonen, E.T., K. Pulkkinen, R. Poulin and M. Julkunen | 2001 |
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