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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
7617 | Grieg, J.A. 1933 Cephalopods from the West Coast of Norway. Bergens Museums Årbok Naturvidenskapelig rekke 4:1-25. | 1933 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
120431 | Wiborg, K.F. 1972 The squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck): Norwegian investigations in the Norwegian Sea and North Atlantic waters 1970-1972. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1972/K:25. | 1972 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7554 | Clarke, M.R. 1983 Cephalopod biomass-estimation from predation. 44:95-107. In C.F.E. Roper, C.C. Lu and F.G. Hochberg (eds.) Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Biology and Resource Potential of Cephalopods, Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 March, 1981. | 1983 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
275 | Roper, C.F.E., M.J. Sweeney and C.E. Nauen 1984 FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 3. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(3):277p. Rome: FAO. | 1984 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7585 | Breiby, A. and M. Jobling 1984 Predatory role of the flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus) in North Norwegian waters. 9:125-132. In V.M. Hodder (ed.) Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization: Scientific Council Studies, Special Session on Squids. | 1984 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
112395 | Smith, J.W. 1984 Larval ascaridoid nematodes in myopsid and oegopsid cephalopods from around Scotland and in the northern North Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 64(3):563-572. | 1984 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
90582 | Clarke, A., M.R. Clarke, L.J. Holmes and T.D. Waters 1985 Calorific values and elemental analysis of eleven species of oceanic squids (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. 65:983-986. | 1985 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
112352 | Breiby, A. and M. Jobling 1985 Predatory role of the flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus) in the north Norwegian waters. NAFO Sci. Coun. Studies 9:125-132. | 1985 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
2461 | Mangold, K. and S. Boletzky 1987 Cephalopodes. 1:633-714. In Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pèche. (Revision 1) Méditeranée et mer Noire. Zone de Pêche 37. | 1987 | Todarodes sagittatus | 692 |
417 | Schneider, W. 1990 FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine resources of the Gulf of Guinea. Prepared and published with the support of the FAO Regional Office for Africa. Rome: FAO. 268 p. | 1990 | Todarodes sagittatus sagittatus | 202 |
7593 | Bello, G. 1991 Role of cephalopods in the diet of the swordfish, Xiphias Gladius, from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Bull. Mar. Sci. 49(1-2):312-324. | 1991 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
1962 | Villanueva, R. 1992 Deep-sea cephalopods of the north-western Mediterranean: indications of up-slope ontogenetic migration in to bathybenthic species. Journal of Zoology London 227:267-276. | 1992 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7627 | Boyle, P.R. and G.J. Pierce 1994 Fishery biology of northeast Atlantic squid: an overview. Fish. Res. (21):1-15. | 1994 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7644 | Hauksson, E. and V. Bogason 1995 Food and harp seals (Phoca groenlandica Erxleben, 1777), in Icelandic waters, in the period of 1990-1994. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen, Denmark ICES-CM/N:14. | 1995 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
26178 | Merella, P., A. Quetglas, F. Alemany and A. Carbonell 1997 Length-weight relationship of fishes and cephalopods from the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). Naga, ICLARM Q. 20(3-4):66-68. | 1997 | Todarodes sagittatus | 66-68 |
84686 | Bozzano, A., l. Recasens and P. Sartor 1997 Diet of the european hake Merliccius merluccius (Pisces: Merluciidae) in the western Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions). Scientia Marina 61(1):1-8. | 1997 | Todarodes sagittatus | 6 |
2614 | Piatkowski, U., V. Hernandez-Garcia and M.R. Clarke 1998 On the biology of the European flying squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) in the central eastern Atlantic. South African Journal of Marine Science/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Seewetenskap 20:375-383. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
3722 | Wood, J.B. and C.L. Day 1998 CephBase. [Accessed 26/01/06]. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7549 | Macnaughton, R., E. Rogan, V. Hernández-García and C. Lordan 1998 The importance of cephalopods in the diet of blue shark (Prionace glauca) south and west of Ireland. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: The Impact of Cephalopods in the Food Chain and Their Interaction with the Environment CM/M: 07. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7550 | Bjørke, H. and H. Gjøsæter 1998 Who eats the larger Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein) in the Norwegian Sea? International Council for the Exploration of the Sea CM/M: 10. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
7552 | Clarke, M.R., M.B. Santos and G.J. Pierce 1998 The importance of cephalopods in the diets of marine mammals and other top predators. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: The impact of Cephalopods in the Food Chain and Their Interaction with the Environment CM/M: 8. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
81305 | Quetglas, A., F. Alemany, A. Carbonell, P. Merella and P. Sánchez 1998 Some aspects of the biology of Todarodes sagittatus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterranean). Scientia Marina 62(1-2):73-82. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | 73-82 |
100713 | de Leiva, I., C. Busuttil, M. Darmanin and m. Camilleri 1998 Artisanal fisheries in the western Mediterranean- Malta fisheries. Copemed - FAO Sub-regional project, Malta, 21p. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | 20 |
105683 | Sánchez, P., P. Belcari and P. Sartor 1998 Composition and spatial distribution of cephalopods in two north-western Mediterranean areas. South African Journal of Marine Science 20(1): 17-24. | 1998 | Todarodes sagittatus | 19 |
112351 | Quetglas, A., F. Alemany, A. Carbonell, P. Merella and P. Sánchez 1999 Diet of the European flying squid Todarodes sagittatus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 79:479-486. | 1999 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
112354 | Arkhipkin, A., V. Laptikhovsky and A. Golub 1999 Population structure and growth of the squid Todarodes sagittatus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in north-west African waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 79(3):467-477. | 1999 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
8714 | Blanco, C., O. Solomón and J.A. Raga 2001 Diet of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the western Mediterranean Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 81(6):1053-1058. | 2001 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
8793 | Santos, M.B., G.J. Pierce, J. Herman, A. López, A. Guerra, E. Mente and M.R. Clarke 2001 Feeding ecology of Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris): a review with new information on the diet of this species. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 81:687-694. | 2001 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
2126 | Lefkaditou, E., Ch. Mytilineou, P. Maiorano and G. D'Onghia 2003 Cephalopod species captured by deep-water exploratory trawling in the northeastern Ionian Sea. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 31:431-440. | 2003 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
105623 | Lefkaditou, E., P. Peristeraki, P. Bekas, G. Tserpes, C.Y. Politou and G. Petrakis 2003 Cephalopods distribution in the southern Aegean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 4(1):79-86. | 2003 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
833 | Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. | 2004 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
19 | Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. | 2005 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
2450 | Piatkowski, U. 2006 Illex coindetii. Broadtail shortfin squid. Life history species review. CEPHSTOCK: Cephalopod Stocks in European Waters. Review, Analysis, Assessment and Sustainable Management. 20 p. | 2006 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
85080 | Blanco, C., M.A. Raduan and J.A. Raga 2006 Diet of Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the western Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina 70(3):407-411. | 2006 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
78075 | FAO 2007 Seafood in Europe. FAO Seafood in Europe CD's 4. | 2007 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
106275 | Katsanevakis, S., M. Thessalou-Legaki, C. Karlou-Riga, E. Lefkaditou, E. Dimitriou and G. Verriopoulos 2007 Information-theory approach to allometric growth of marine organisms. Marine Biology 151(3):949-959. | 2007 | Todarodes sagittatus | 953;tab.3 |
106081 | Finlex Data Bank 2008 Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön asetus kalastus- ja vesiviljelytuotteiden sallituista kauppanimistä. [Accessed 01/06/2016]. | 2008 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
83435 | Rosenberg, G. 2009 Malacolog 4.1.1: A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca. [WWW database (version 4.1.1)] URL | 2009 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
85339 | Templado, J. and R. Villanueva 2010 Checklist of Phylum Mollusca. pp. 148-198 In Coll, M., et al., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8):36pp. | 2010 | Todarodes sagittatus | 196 |
118422 | Gardiner, K. and T.A. Dick 2010 Arctic cephalopod distributions and their associated predators. Polar Research 29(2):209-227. | 2010 | Todarodes sagittatus | 210 |
104650 | Rosa, R., L. Gonzalez, H.M. Dierssen and B.A. Seibel 2012 Environmental determinants of latitudinal size-trends in cephalopods. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 464:153-165. | 2012 | Todarodes sagittatus | 165 |
106605 | Belhabib, D., D. Pauly, S. Harper and D. Zeller 2012 Marine fisheries catches in West Africa, 1950-2010, part I. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (3). | 2012 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
108808 | Cardona, L., I.Á. De Quevedo, A. Borrell and A. Aguilar 2012 Massive consumption of gelatinous plankton by Mediterranean apex predators. PloS ONE 7(3):e31329. | 2012 | Todarodes sagittatus | 2 |
107945 | Cheung, W.L., R. Watson and D. Pauly 2013 Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Nature 497:365-368. | 2013 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
118423 | Golikov, A.V., R.M. Sabirov, P.A. Lubin and L.L. Jorgensen 2013 Changes in distribution and range structure of Arctic cephalopods due to climatic changes of the last decades. Biodiversity 14(1):28-35. | 2013 | Todarodes sagittatus | 30 |
104052 | Carpenter, K.E. and N. De Angelis (eds.) 2014 The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic, Volume 1: Introduction, crustaceans, chitons and cephalopods. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes, Rome, FAO, pp.1-663. | 2014 | Todarodes sagittatus | 581 |
112172 | Rosas-Luis, R., R. Villanueva and P. Sánchez 2014 Trophic habits of the Ommastrephid squid Illex coindetii and Todarodes sagittatus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Fisheries Research 152:21-28. | 2014 | Todarodes sagittatus | 23 |
112476 | Barratt, I., L. Allcock and V. Laptikhovsky 2014 Todarodes sagittatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T163189A981746. Downloaded on 20 October 2016. | 2014 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
112293 | FAO 2016 Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798). [Accessed 17/10/2016]. | 2016 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
118628 | Palomares, M.L.D., R. Froese, B. Derrick, S.-L. Nöel, G. Tsui, J. Woroniak and D. Pauly 2018 A preliminary global assessment of the status of exploited marine fish and invertebrate populations. A report prepared by the Sea Around Us for OCEANA. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, p. 64. | 2018 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
120726 | Xavier, J.C., Y. Cherel, L. Allcock, R. Rosa, R.M. Sabirov, M.E. Blicher and A.V. Golikov 2018 A review on the biodoversity, distribution and trophic role of cephalopods in the Arctic and Antarctic marine ecosystems under a changing ocean. Marine Biology 165(93):1-26. | 2018 | Todarodes sagittatus | tab.2 |
123615 | Golikov, A.V., F.R. Ceia, R.M. Sabirov, Z.I. Zaripova, M.E. Blicher, D.V. Zakharov and J.C. Xavier 2018 Ontogenetic changes in stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) values in squuid Gonatus fabricii (Cephalopoda) reveal its important ecological role in the Arctic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 606:65-78. | 2018 | Todarodes sagittatus | tab.S3 |
125695 | Merten, V., T. Bayer, T.B.H. Reusch, O. Puebla, J. Fuss, J. Stefanschitz, A. Lischka, H. Hauss, P. Neitzel, U. Piatkowski, Christiansen, B. Czudaj, A. Denda and H.-J.T. Hoving 2021 An integrative assessment combining deep-sea net sampling, in situ observations and environmental DNA analysis identifies Cabo Verde as a cephalopod biodiversity hotspot in the Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:760108. | 2021 | Todarodes sagittatus | tab.1;fig.7 |
126095 | Falsone, F., M.L. Geraci, D. Scanella, V. Gancitano, F. Di Maio, G. Sardo, F. Quattrocchi and S. Vitale 2022 Length-weight relationships of 52 species from the South of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea). Fishes 7(92). | 2022 | Todarodes sagittatus | 4 |
127697 |
IUCN 2022 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1. |
2022 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Todarodes sagittatus | --> |