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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
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90515 | Atkinson, E.G. and J.W. Wacasey 1976 Caloric values of zoobenthos and phytobenthos from the Canadian Arctic. Department of the Environment, Fishieries and Marine Service, Technical Report 632:1-23. | 1976 | Crossaster papposus | --> |
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96583 | Birkely, S.-R. and B. Gulliksen 2003 Feeding ecology in five shrimp species (Decapoda: Caridea) from an Arctic Fjord (Isfjorden, Svalbard), with emphasis on Sclerocrangon boreas (Phipps, 1774). Crustaceana 76(6):699-715. | 2003 | Crossaster papposus | 703 |
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113796 | Feder, H.M., S.C. Jewett and A. Blanchard 2005 Southeastern Chukchi sea (Alaska) epibenthos. Polar Biol 28:402-421. | 2005 | Crossaster papposus | 406 |
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117879 | Grebmeier, J.M., L.W. Cooper, H.M. Feder and B.I. Sirenko 2006 Ecosystem dynamics of the Pacific-influenced Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas in the Amerasian Arctic. Progress in Oceanography 71:331-361. | 2006 | Crossaster papposus | 348 |
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83653 | Robinson, L.A., S.P.R. Greenstreet, H. Reiss, R. Callaway, J. Ccraeymeersch, I. de Boois, S. Degraer, S. Ehrich, H.M. Fraser, A. Goffin, I. Kröncke, L. Lindal Jorgenson, M.R. Robertson and J. Lancaster 2010 Length-weight relationships of 216 North Sea benthic invertebrates and fish. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 90(1):95-104. | 2010 | Crossaster papposus | 101 |
93816 | Macdonald, T.A., B.J. Burd, V.I. Macdonald and A. van Roodselaar 2010 Taxonomic and feeding guild classification for the marine benthic macroinvertebrates of the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2874:62p. | 2010 | Crossaster papposus | --> |
119490 | Mironov, A.N. and A.B. Dilman 2010 Effect of the East Siberian Barrier on the echinoderm dispersal in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanology 50(3):342-355. | 2010 | Crossaster papposus | 345 |
93916 | Marliave, J.B., C.J. Gibbs, D.M. Gibbs, A.O. Lamb and S.J.F. Young 2011 Biodiversity stability of shallow marine benthos in Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada through climate regimes, overfishing and ocean acidification. pp. 49-74, In Grillo, O. (ed.), Biodiversity Loss in a Changing Planet, PhD. | 2011 | Crossaster papposus | 59 |
123538 | Bergmann, M., N. Langwald, J. Ontrup, T. Soltwedel, I. Schewe, M. Klages and T.W. Nattkemper 2011 Megafaunal assemblages from two shelf stations west of Svalbard. Marine Biology Research 7:523-539. | 2011 | Crossaster papposus | Suppl |
128574 | HELCOM 2012 Checklist of Baltic Sea macro-species. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 130, 206p. | 2012 | Crossaster papposus | 160:No413 |
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118460 | Konar, B. and A.M. Ravelo 2013 Epibenthic community variability on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea continental shelf. Final Report May 2013, OCS Study BOEM 2013-01148, 48p. | 2013 | Crossaster papposus | 41 |
119353 | Blanchard, A.L., C.L. Parris, A.L. Knowlton and N.R. Wade 2013 Benthic ecology of the northeastern Chukchi Sea. Part II. Spatial variation of megafaunal community structure, 2009-2010. Cotinental Shelf Research 67:67-76. | 2013 | Crossaster papposus | Appendix AII |
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121993 | Rand, K., E. Logerwell, B. Bluhm, H. Chenelot, S. Danielson, K. Iken and L. Sousa 2018 Using biological traits and environmental variables to characterize two Arctic epibenthic invertebrate communities in and adjacent to Barrow Canyon. Deep-Sea Research Part II 152:154-169. | 2018 | Crossaster papposus | 157;tab.1 |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Crossaster papposus | --> |