Growth parameters for Panulirus argus
Maximum Length 45.00cm TL
n = 16
Note that studies where Loo is very different (+/- 1/3) from Lmax are doubtful.

Auximetric graph [n = 4]
M vs K graph [n = 5]
M vs Linf graph [n = 5]

ø = 1.91
L inf = 18.4 cm CL
K = 0.2
Median record no. 9
Ref. 129472
Length Type K
to Sex M
Temp° C Lm Ø' Country Locality Questionable Captive
13.33 CL 0.163 -2.02 F 1.46 Colombia Guajira Yes Yes
14.20 CL 0.220 1.65 Mexico Yucatan Bank Yes Yes
14.30 CL 0.620 F 26.40 2.10 USA Florida Keys Yes Yes
15.50 CL 0.190 0.37 F 0.34 1.66 Cuba Unspecified, Cuba Yes No
15.80 CL 0.131 -2.76 M 1.51 Colombia Guajira Yes Yes
17.09 CL 0.390 F 2.06 Cuba Gulf of Batabano Yes No
17.40 CL 0.160 1.69 Cuba SW Cuban shelf Yes No
18.20 CL 0.470 M 26.40 2.19 USA Florida Keys Yes Yes
18.36 CL 0.241 0.45 1.91 Cuba Gulf of Batabano Yes No
18.50 CL 0.230 0.44 M 0.34 1.90 Cuba Unspecified, Cuba Yes No
19.50 CL 0.280 F 0.67 28.00 2.03 Jamaica Pedro Bank Yes No
21.00 CL 0.240 M 0.59 28.00 2.02 Jamaica Pedro Bank Yes No
22.80 CL 0.300 2.19 Cuba SW Cuban shelf No No
25.03 CL 0.270 M 2.23 Cuba Gulf of Batabano No No
25.70 CL 0.320 2.33 Brazil northeast Brazil No No
31.00 TL 0.240 -0.17 0.36 2.36 Caribbean Sea No No
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