List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in SeaLifeBase
n = 24

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Disconectes ovalis (Vanhöffen, 1914) Eurycope ovalis (p. 128-130 )
Eurycope brevirostris Hansen, 1916 Eurycope brevirostris (p. 132-133 )
Eurycope galatheae Wolff, 1956 Eurycope galatheae (p. 136-137 )
Eurycope gaussi Wolff, 1956 Eurycope gaussi (p. 133-135 )
Eurycope madseni Wolff, 1956 Eurycope madseni (p. 125-127 )
Eurycope vicarius Vanhöffen, 1914 Eurycope vicarius (p. 130-132 )
Ilyarachna antarctica Vanhöffen, 1914 Ilyarachna antarctica (p. 106-111 )
Ischnomesus armatus Hansen, 1916 Ischnomesus armatus (p. 89 )
Ischnomesus bacilloides (Beddard, 1886) Ischnomesus bacilloides (p. 89 )
Ischnomesus bacillopsis (Barnard, 1920) Ischnomesus bacillopsis (p. 89 )
Ischnomesus bacillus (Beddard, 1886) Ischnomesus bacillus (p. 89 )
Ischnomesus bispinosus Sars, 1868 Ischnomesus bispinosus (p. 89 )
Ischnomesus bruuni Wolff, 1956 Ischnomesus bruuni (p. 91-94 )
Ischnomesus profundus Hansen, 1916 Ischnomesus profundus (p. 89 )
Ischnomesus spaercki Wolff, 1956 Ischnomesus spärcki (p. 94-97 )
Leptanthura hendili Wolff, 1956 Leptanthura hendili (p. 137-139 )
Macrostylis galatheae Wolff, 1956 Macrostylis galatheae (p. 100-103 )
Macrostylis hadalis Wolff, 1956 Macrostylis hadalis (p. 103-106 )
Munneurycope nodifrons (Hansen, 1916) Eurycope nodifrons (p. 123-125 )
Rectisura furcata (Wolff, 1956) Storthyngura furcata (p. 119-121 )
Storthyngura benti Wolff, 1956 Storthyngura benti (p. 112-116 )
Storthyngura novaezelandiae (Beddard, 1885) Storthyngura novae-zelandiae (p. 121-123 )
Storthyngura pulchra (Hansen, 1897) Storthyngura pulchra (p. 116-118 )
Stylomesus inermis (Vanhöffen, 1914) Stylomesus inermis (p. 98-99 )

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