Food and Feeding Habits: Diet Composition Lepidochelys kempii
n = 7
Main Food Percent
Trophic Level
Predator Life Stage Country Locality Ref.
zoobenthos 67 3.5 juv./adults USA southern Texas, USA 8773
others 48 3.3 recruits/juv. USA southern Texas, USA 8773
plants 86 2.0 recruits/juv. USA southern Texas, USA 8773
zoobenthos 92 3.5 juv./adults USA southern Texas, USA 8773
zoobenthos 64 3.6 juv./adults USA southern Texas, USA 8773
zoobenthos 59 3.5 juv./adults USA southern Texas, USA 8773
zoobenthos 100 3.5 adults USA southern Texas, USA 8773
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